Join in today by following our 5 Day Festival:

The challenges:
1. Send us a picture of your breakfast to and we'll share it on our website and social pages.
2. Review what you eat and drink – name 3 ways to make it healthier.
In the UK, our healthy eating model is the Eatwell Guide – it shows the balance of the main food groups in our diet – you can find out more here.
- If you eat fish, are you including it every week? We’re recommended to have 2 portions a week, one of which should be an oily type like salmon, mackerel or sardines
- Are you including beans and pulses? They provide protein, fibre and are naturally low in fat – try including them in main meals this week.
- Are you choosing healthier fats? Replacing saturated fats from foods like butter, coconut oil, fatty meats, dairy foods, cakes and pastries with unsaturated fats from oils like vegetable or olive oils can help lower cholesterol. It’s a good idea to keep foods high in saturated fats to small amounts and to choose plant-based oils and spreads for cooking and spreading most of the time.
- Are you varying your veg? Different types of vegetables provide different nutrients and so it’s a good idea to eat a range of colours and types of vegetables.
- What kind of snacks are you choosing? Instead of snacking on higher sugar or salt snacks like chocolate, crisps or cakes, opt for healthier options like fruit, vegetable sticks, wholegrain crackers, or low-fat yogurts.
- Are you stuck in a rut? Do you end up having similar things for breakfast, lunch or dinner each day? Try mixing it up and having something new or something you haven’t had for a while.
3. Join along with the BNF cook along. To find out more and to see Day 1's easy recipes click here.

The challenges:
1. Have at least five portions of vegetables and fruit every day – choose a variety!
Why 5 A DAY?
Vegetables and fruit provide a range of different vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals (e.g. polyphenols) needed for health, as well as fibre which is important for the digestive system and can help reduce the risk of developing heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and bowel cancer.
It is important to eat a wide variety of vegetables and fruit, as each type provides different amounts and combinations of nutrients.
What counts towards 5 A DAY?
- Fresh, frozen or canned vegetables or fruit - an 80g portion is approximately one medium sized piece of fruit such as a banana, apple, pear, orange or nectarine; two or more small fruits such as plums, satsumas, kiwi fruit or apricots; a large handful of berries, cherries or grapes; one dessert bowl of salad; three heaped tablespoons of vegetables.
- Dried fruit - A 30g portion counts as one portion of 5 A DAY, but should be eaten at mealtimes, not as a between-meal snack, to reduce the impact on teeth.
- 100% vegetable/fruit juices and smoothies -150ml counts as a maximum of one portion per day, and consumption should be limited to no more than a combined total of 150ml per day. This is because when vegetables and fruit are juiced or blended, sugars are released which can cause damage to teeth.
- Beans and pulses - these count as a maximum of one portion (80g) per day even if more than one portion is eaten. This is because they do not provide the same mixture of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients as vegetables and fruit.
Support for you
- Complete the 5 A DAY chart and tick when you have tried something new this week.
- Fruit and vegetable video - get a brief overview of the fruit and vegetable Eatwell Guide group, watch this video.
- Fruit and veg Eatwell Guide resource - have a look at the for some tips and ideas to fit fruit and vegetables into the diet – try some this week.
- Fruit and vegetable page - learn about the importance of fruit and vegetables in the diet with and use the tips to vary what you’re having this week.
- 5 A DAY - behaviours to help
2. Have at least 6-8 unsweetened drinks every day – water is a great choice.
Why is it important to drink plenty?
- On average, water makes up more than half of our body weight and we need fluid for our body to work properly.
- Water is constantly lost through sweating, breathing and using the toilet, so it is important to drink throughout the day to keep hydrated.
- Being dehydrated can make it difficult to concentrate and may cause headaches and tiredness.
How much should we drink?
In the UK, it is recommended that we have 6-8 drinks every day, as well as any water provided by food. Younger children usually need smaller drink servings (around 150-200ml) than older children, young people and adults (around 250-300ml). The exact amount of fluid we need will depend on many factors, including age, activity levels and the weather.
Healthier drink options:
- water (this is the best option for a regular drink);
- lower fat milks or calcium-fortified, unsweetened dairy alternatives;
- unsweetened tea/coffee (but limit for young children and pregnant or breastfeeding women);
- vegetable/fruit juices and smoothies*.
*100% vegetable/fruit juices and smoothies should be limited to no more than a combined maximum of 150ml a day as they contain free sugars.
Drinks that contain sugars, such as juices, smoothies, soft drinks, milk shakes, and energy and sports drinks, can contribute to energy (kJ/kcal) intake and increase the risk of tooth decay, if consumed regularly.
Stay hydrated tips
- Have a drink with meals.
- Keep a reusable water bottle on hand to sip throughout the day.
- If you like sweet drinks, choose sugar-free versions.
- Have plenty to drink before, during and after physical activity.
- Have regular drinks – don’t wait until you feel thirsty!
Support for you
Healthy hydration
- FAQs alcohol - Learn more about how the health effects of alcohol.
- Calories in alcohol – take a guess of how many calories are in different drinks and read through to see how close you were
3. Join along with the BNF cook along. To find out more and to see Day 2's easy recipes click here.

The challenges:
1. Get active every day - move more.
Check out our #MayMarathon where we ran 534 miles, the equivalent of 21 marathons together by clicking here.
Why move more?
Physical activity is beneficial because it can:
- help to manage the balance between energy in and energy out, to maintain a healthy weight;
- improve heart health and strengthen muscles and bones;
- improve sleep, relieve stress and lift mood.
How active should we be?
We are all advised to minimise inactivity. In addition, there are specific age-related recommendations. When we are moving more, it is still important to stick to the social distancing and exercise guidelines from the Government. To find these guidelines, click here.
Children and young people (aged 5 -18 years)
- Be active for at least 60 minutes every day (ranging from moderate-to-vigorous intensity).
- Engage in a variety of types and intensities of physical activity across the week, to develop movement skills, muscular fitness and bone strength.
Adults (19 - 64 years)
- Be active for at least 150 minutes each week (moderate intensity), or have 75 minutes of vigorous activity a week.
- Do muscle strengthening activities on two days or more each week.
As well as being physically active, it is also important that we reduce the amount of time being sedentary, such as watching TV, playing computer games and travelling by car when we could walk or cycle.
Over time, sedentary behaviour can lead to weight gain and obesity, which can increase the risk of developing chronic diseases in adulthood such as heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes.
Support for you
Get active advice
2. Join along with the BNF cook along. To find out more and to see Day 3's easy recipes click here.

The challenges:
1. Do something kind for your mind today.
Check out Mrs Branch's Mindful Breathing here.
Check out Mrs Branch's Relaxing Breath Meditation here.
Why is it important to be mind kind?
Mental health is a vital aspect of overall health and wellbeing. It is estimated that around one in six adults in England have a common mental health problem but less than half access mental health treatments. The figure in children (5-19 years) has risen to one in eight with the figure at its highest in older children. Mental health issues can include anxiety, depression, stress, addiction, loneliness and personality disorders. It is important to manage your own mental wellbeing during the coronavirus pandemic, for information on how to manage this, click here.
How can you be kind to your mind?
Focusing on what we eat and drink, being active and ensuring we get enough sleep may all have positive benefits on mental health.
We should all aim to:
- have a healthy, varied and balanced diet (and follow alcohol guidelines);
- keep active by following physical activity guidelines;
- have sufficient sleep (7-9 hours a night for most adults and 9.5 -11 hours for children aged 5-11 years).
This can help support a healthy lifestyle, help raise self-esteem and boost a positive mood.
Some people find that making time to help others, through activities such as volunteering, can be extremely rewarding and fulfilling. There are lots of ways you can help others during the coronavirus pandemic, such as volunteering to support or providing care for a vulnerable person. For more information from the Government on how to help safely, click here.
Support for you
Other sources of support
2. Join along with the BNF cook along. To find out more and to see Day 3's easy recipes click here.

The challenges:
1. Make a change – set a goal to make a positive change that lasts!
Change can be good
Over time, poor diet and a sedentary lifestyle can contribute to obesity and other chronic health conditions. Making long-term changes to your lifestyle behaviours can have positive effects on health and wellbeing, and reduce the risk of developing chronic health conditions. Setting a goal to make a positive lifestyle change is helpful because it can:
- improve motivation;
- provide focus;
- make healthier behaviours easier and more automatic over time.
What can be changed?
Small lifestyle changes that are easy to incorporate into daily life are more likely to be maintained. Reflect on your current eating, drinking and physical activity habits and think about where you would like to make a positive change.
When setting a goal for a healthy lifestyle change, it can help to think S.M.A.R.T.
- Specific – you have a better chance of achieving your goal if it is well-defined (e.g. a goal to ‘swap sugary drinks for water over the next month’ is more specific than a goal to ‘consume less sugar’).
- Measurable – how will you know when you have accomplished your goal? You might want to keep a diary or use an App to track your progress.
- Achievable – is your goal realistic and feasible? Impossible goals can be demotivating, so set a goal that you have the time, skills and resources to complete.
- Relevant – will your goal improve your physical and/or mental health? Some people may benefit from eating more fruit and vegetables; others may eat plenty of fruit and vegetables, but spend too much time being inactive. Make sure you identify which aspects of your lifestyle could have the biggest impact on your wellbeing.
- Time-bound – how often will you need to do the tasks required to achieve your goal? When will your goal be accomplished? For example, a goal to ‘eat five portions of fruit and vegetables every day for the next month’ may be more motivating than a goal to ‘eat more fruit and vegetables’.
Support for you
2. Join along with the BNF cook along. To find out more and to see Day 5's easy recipes click here.