Girls into STEM Virtual Sessions with Loughborough University

Girls into STEM Virtual Sessions with Loughborough University

Special STEM event for Year 9, 10 and 11 students

Join Loughborough University for their Girls into STEM Online event, running from 6th to 12th July 2020!

About this event

This event is open to UK students in Year 9, 10 and 11 and is a great opportunity to learn more about the options available to you at university across science, technology, engineering and mathematics subjects.

You will be able to view a range of taster sessions, learn more about STEM careers as well as learn more about Loughborough University and receive guidance on your post-16 options. There will also be the chance to take a virtual tour of Loughborough's outstanding campus, with live web chats for you to ask their current students any questions you may have.

Book now by completing the form here and you will receive email confirmation. (Please only submit this form once. Add '' to your 'safe sender' list to ensure you receive confirmation from us)

If you have any questions, please email Marie by clicking here

Loughborough University looks forward to welcoming you to their online event!