Year 7 Parents' Evening

Year 7 Parents' Evening

Thursday 5th December 2024 - 3:15pm to 6pm 

This evening will give you the opportunity to speak to Subject Teachers regarding your child’s progress.

Your child will be given an appointment sheet and be asked to arrange appointments with their teachers. Appointments usually last approximately 5 minutes for each staff member depending on the content of conversation needed. Please make sure that you receive the sheet from your child when it is completed to guide you on the evening.

Please complete the reply slip that will be sent to parents/carers on MyED to confirm your attendance at this important evening. It is vital you respond to this ASAP so that teaching staff can arrange appointment times with your child.

We hope you can attend. For your child to be successful in school and reach their full potential it is important that both home and school work together in partnership. If you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact the school.

All students must wear full uniform and be accompanied by a parent/carer or a responsible adult.

On arrival, students and parents/carers will be asked to sign in at reception.