Free school meals and pupil premium
If your child is eligible for free school meals, the school will get extra funding for your child’s education when you apply – £985 per child in secondary school.
This funding is called Pupil Premium. The pupil premium is an additional sum to help provide specific support to raise attainment and address the wider needs of vulnerable children. It is not a personal budget for each child but a collective budget that is managed the school - the amount the school receives is based on the number of eligible pupils recorded in the school's January census.
The money can be used by the school to help with the cost of school trips, extra teaching staff and activities.
Can my child get free school meals?
Your child could be eligible for free school meals if you or your partner receive a qualifying benefit.
Qualifying benefits
If you or your partner receive any of the following benefits you can apply for free school meals.
How long will my child get free school meals?
Once eligible, existing children who no longer meet the eligibility criteria at that point will continue to receive free school meals until the end of their current phase of education, i.e. primary or secondary.
For example: If your child is in year 8 in 2022, they will receive free school meals until they finish secondary school even if your income is more than £7,500 per year
Before you apply
If you’re a foster parent, you cannot apply for free school meals as you already receive funding.
If you already receive free school meals for a child and just want to add another child, contact us and we'll be able to check if the additional child is eligible.
If you get Housing Benefit or Council Tax Support, contact us and we’ll be able to check if your child is eligible.
How to apply
Apply online here and get an instant decision.
Remember, even if your child does not want to receive a free school meal or brings a packed lunch and you receive a qualifying benefit, make sure you apply so the school gets the extra funding.
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