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School Number
01744 678 123

Normal phone calls to and from the school




Absence Hotline Number
08442 393065

You can tell us why your child is absent either by leaving a message or by speaking to one of the Office Staff (Local rate number)




Mobile Absence Alert Number
07624 806848

We will text you or you can text us about why your child is not in School



Further Information

St Cuthbert's Catholic High School

Berrys Lane
St Helens


The name of the member of staff who deals with queries from parents and members of the public is our School Business Manager, Mr M Booth.

Our SENCO is Mrs C Barrett and she can be contacted on 01744 678123.


Data Protection Officer

The Data Protection Officer is responsible for overseeing data protection within the School so if you do have any questions in this regard, please do contact them on the information below: -

Company: HY Education Solicitors Limited
Address: 2nd Floor (East Wing), Sandbrook House, Rochdale, OL11 1RY.
Lead Contact: Dean Hulse
Telephone: 0161 543 8884

Contact Form

Download the My Ed App 

The My Ed app shows you up to date information about all aspects of your child's school life.

More details here